Welcome! If you’re reading this you’re probably looking to take your modal playing to the next level. If you want to know how to start covering more of the neck with your lead lines then check this out.
These 3 Octave Major Scale Modes work in a 3 and 4nps linear fashion. You’ll have a 7 note pattern across 2 strings. The 8th note is simply the octave of the root. These shapes are great fun and super easy to play because of the way they repeat. For each mode we’ll have a different 7 note, 2 string pattern. Once you know one shape for each mode you can simply repeat this pattern every 2 strings in octaves.

If you’ve nailed down your 3nps major scale modes you’ll quickly notice that one 3 octave pattern covers 3 positions of 3nps format modes! That’s substantially more fretboard.
Fretboard GPS – Referencing the 3nps Versions
The really great thing about these extended modes is how much fretboard one shapes covers. Once you know the 3nps versions well you’ll quickly be able to cross reference to the 3nps position you’re in as you move through the scale. This will greatly enhance your ability to navigate the fretboard!
Let’s take a look at these extended 3 octave major scale mode shapes and how they relate to the 3nps positions. This example below demonstrates how one of these shapes covers 3 positions of 3nps major scale modes.

3 Octave Major Scale Modes – Further Learning
If you know your modes of harmonic minor then be sure to check out Expander! Harmonic minor modes. As we’ve mapped out these modes in 3 octave format also.
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Bonus Points
Bonus points will be awarded in the form of a pack of 4 exotic wooden guitar picks to the first person who can comment below and tell us what the subtle Streets of Rage 2 reference is in this post.

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1 Comment
Dude! Streets of Rage 2! Bad ass Sega Genesis game from the 90’s! I think it was in the arcade for a min also, before coming out to sega.