Welcome to Strings of Rage™ – Run by two cousins from opposite ends of the UK, we are a creative new online resource for learning guitar. Specifically we’re looking to help those players who are no longer beginners and are entering the realms of music theory, advanced techniques, songwriting and creative application. If you’re looking to take your guitar playing to the next level then you’re in the right place.
We launched Strings of Rage™ in January 2019 and are growing fast. We’re covering all aspects of advanced guitar playing, mainly in the rock, metal, prog, shred, instrumental genres. We’re committed to pushing the boundaries of what can be done on the guitar and we honestly hope you enjoy our lessons and find some inspiration here with us.
Remember we’re constantly on that learning journey with you so please reach out to us if you’d like us to cover anything specific.

Scale Studies: Scales & Modes are the building blocks of creative song writing & application to technique as well. Knowing lots of different scales & modes will be invaluable to writing interesting music.
- Major, Minor & Blues Scales
- Dominant Pentatonics
- Pentatonics for 7 String
- Hirajoshi Japanese Pentatonic
Harmonic Minor Modes
Exotic Scales & Modes
Major Scale Modes
- Three Note-Per-String
- Three Octave Modes
- Three Note Per String for 7 String Guitars
- Three Note Per String for 8 String Guitars
Melodic Minor Modes

Guitar Technique: Learn all the guitar techniques a modern guitar player should know. Technique covers: Alternate Picking, Sweep Picking, Tapping, String Skipping & Combination Licks
Sweep Picking

Music Theory: Learning to understand music theory will help you adapt musical concepts to your own wicked ends! Knowing music theory will provide you with an unlimited arsenal of ideas in every aspect of your playing!

Songwriting: Here we’ll cover lots of creative new concepts for songwriting. Covering all aspects from rhythm playing, writing lead melodies, solos, key changes & more creative ideas!

Quick Licks: If you just want to learn a rippin’ new lick each week then check this out. Our quick licks cover all techniques and provide an insight into how to use these ideas as well!

Join The Strings of Rage Syndicate!
Take your guitar playing to the next level. Join the community for exclusive new lessons, ideas and over the top guitar creativity! We look forward to seeing you around!
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