Welcome to Strings of Rage™! We’re Joe & CJ! We know that decent 7 string lessons are hard to find, especially scales and modes so thanks for being here!
We’re building this awesome resource with the goal of trying to put together the most incredible guitar & music theory resource we wish we had when we started our journey.
No BS, just killer guitar & music theory lessons covering all aspects of the instrument INCLUDING lessons for 7 and 8 string players.
We’ve compiled some of our 7 string scales and modes lessons here for you. All of our lessons are free. Strings of Rage™ Syndicate Members however unlock additional content on nearly every lesson including our eBooks & Tab Books in PDF format, Backing Tracks, GPRO Tabs, Video Content and more.

7 String Scales & Modes Lessons – Free Lessons With Extra Unlockable Content for Syndicate Members:
These five lessons cover scales, modes and advanced ideas for 7 string guitar. Strings of Rage Syndicate Members can unlock additional downloadable content for lessons all over our website.
Advanced Pentatonics for 7 String Guitar
In this lesson we cover all the standard shapes but quickly get into the more exciting ideas using octaves, string skipping and economy picking.
This lesson WILL expand you knowledge of pentatonics.
Major Scale Modes for 7 String
We’ve mapped out the basic major scale modes for 7 string guitar here and we also cover how to reference the 6 string versions too.
Scale book available for Syndicate Members!
Melodic Minor Scale & It’s Mode s for 7 String
The Melodic minor scale is an incredible resource of inspiration for new ideas. We’ve mapped out this scale and its modes for 7 string! We cover some basic harmony and theory too so you can use this scale IMMEDIATELY.
Pentatonics of Melodic Minor for 7 String
We’ve found these altered pentatonics to be an inexhaustible resource for creative outside new ideas. This is a massive in depth lesson with a video & killer book for Syndicate Members.
Harmonic Minor & Its Modes for 7 String
One of our personal favourites, every metal player automatically gravitates to this scale! We’ve mapped it out for all you 7 stringers out there! Basic theory and harmony is covered as well so you can use it IMMEDIATELY.

Benefits of Joining The Strings of Rage Syndicate Membership:
We’re creating the learning platform we wish we had when we began our musical journey. All your support through Patreon memberships means we can make better content, a bigger platform and do all of that faster.
Joe and I have no shortage of killer content ideas lined up and your support through Patreon is helping us work towards our end goal of doing this full time. We’re grateful for everyone who supports us in one way or another.

Level Up Your Playing Faster With Unlockable Content
We’ve cut all the bullshit from modern guitar lessons so sign up and dive in. Questions or queries? You can personally reach out to us at any time. £10 per month will give you full access to our ever growing library of content, currently downloadable from our Patreon profile.


Join The Strings of Rage Syndicate!
Take your guitar playing to the next level. Join the community for exclusive new lessons, ideas and over the top guitar creativity! We look forward to seeing you around!
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