Today we’re going to look a little ripper of an alternate picking lick. This one ascends across all 6 strings from the low E string. This is an interesting idea because we’re using sequences across groupings of two strings. Let’s Go! Full Shred Ahead! If you want a quick overview of the lesson then Download the Tab.
This alternate picking lick is based around a little sequence that begins on fret 10. The lick starts with a descending idea. Once you’ve got the basic mechanics of the lick under your fingers it’s then simply a case of moving it through the positions.
Continue ReadingOkay kids, this is where it all starts! The major scale modes! You’ve probably seen around the internet, in books and many other resources that there is other ways to play these scales. In fact, any scale. We would highly suggest to avoid playing your scales in a non 3nps (or 4nps) way.
3nps scales make things very easy and give you the most mileage of notes. ‘Cowboy’ shapes can be very confusing because of the varying number of notes per string. The 3nps shapes make it nice and easy to string things together and quickly navigate the fretboard.